Sales Development
March 22, 2024

Saving Costs: When to Buy What as Your Sales Dev Engine Grows

We explore our three stage approach to building, outlining and growing your sales developent function cost effectively. We also seek to outline how to do this for long term results and a focus on the individuals skills.

James Donaldson
Questions about sales tools?

We discuss sales team processes and solutions.

We'll recommend:
-  1 tool you might be able to remove to save money and time
-  1 that you might be able to do more with
-  1 new one that might be worth exploring
-  Or 3 new ones that will help whatever your goal is!

Building and scaling an efficient sales development engine is a dynamic process that involves strategic decision-making. In this article, we'll explore a roadmap for optimising costs as your sales development (SDR) engine grows, focusing on key stages and when to invest in crucial components.

We speak to companies who want to improve profitability, but are struggling to create pipeline. Sales Leaders can come under pressure then to reduce cost or reduce team headcount but provide the same effectiveness. If you can identify where you are below, and build from there, you can reduce cost and scale when the time is right.

Stage 1: Establishing a Strong Foundation: CRM and Data

The initial stages of your sales development engine demand a robust foundation. Prioritise investing in a correct Customer Relationship Management (CRM) process and setup, ensuring accurate data and implementing the right phone solution. A well-structured CRM, enriched with accurate data, forms the backbone of your sales operations.

CRM Setups and Data Enrichment

Dive deeper into your CRM setups and data enrichment strategies. Focus on account ownership, lead tracking, and clear, accurate note-taking practices. Building a foundation that emphasises these aspects ensures that your team operates with precision and efficiency, minimising errors and maximising the value of your data.

All accounts should be owned by someone. All prospects should be able to have their own unique notes, clear to see from a list view of accounts being prospected. With easy access and visibility of other notes, other contacts and engagement within that same account. When you’re setting these things up, think “Could I easily navigate to these notes whilst on a live call?”

Data Tool and Enrichment Choices

It’s true you may need 3 to 5 data tools, eventually. However, you need to be clear on the regions, verticals and personas you want to target. If you go too high and broad early, you can waste budget on tools that aren't perfect for your niche. 

Example’s like Engagetech, for EMEA, IT and Technical contacts are niche but are massively more effective for a sales development team looking for these prospects than a much more expensive ZoomInfo, perfect for North America and broad persona prospecting.

Stage 2: Training, Coaching, and Skills Development

Invest in training, coaching, and skills development. Whether conducted internally or utilising external resources, or a combination of both, this is a better investment than more tools in a lot of scenarios. A skilled SDR team is pivotal for effective prospecting and relationship building.

Buying more solutions or tools will not help the worst SDR engine, but will quickly impact a well trained one in scaling. 

Investing in training and coaching with tools could look like enablement tools like Gong or Allego. However, a good dialler like Aircall or RocketPhone allows you to also listen back to calls, collect transcripts and most video call software will do the same. 

Build the culture that you listen back, coach and train around these features. Before you spend money on Enablement tools for circa. $1000 dollars per head in some cases.

Applying these skills into secondary channel

Your team should already being doing some activity on other channels like email and linkedin. Again managed independently with correct notes, tasks and lead statuses in the CRM with good data tools in support. 

Now you can consider a tool that also helps to accelerate this side to their prospecting. Adding a solution for AI personalisation over email, on top of the dialler, like CopyFactory would still in most cases cost less than an engagement tool.

Reiterating Data Sources, Account Mapping, and Intent Capturing

Revisit and reinforce your data sources, account mapping, and intent capturing strategies. This ensures that your SDRs are equipped with the most relevant and timely information when engaging with prospects. Regularly updating and refining these processes keeps your data accurate and actionable. Once this is done, you’re ready to scale.

Stage 3: Scaling with Enablement and Engagement Tools

As your SDR team becomes more proficient, it's time to scale effectively. Look into enablement and engagement tools that enhance productivity and streamline workflows. These tools may include automation platforms, analytics tools, and communication solutions that enable your team to engage with prospects more efficiently.

First start by talking to the existing solutions and data providers you work with. Which ones actually integrate with them? The more overlap there is with the existing stack there is, the less likely you are to suffer from low user adoption. The best, most expensive, sexiest looking engagement platform is not necessarily the right one if it means your sales team needs to change their habits. 

Hypothetically for example, if you had LeadIQ for data and Aircall for your dialler. You could consider Gong which allows you to buy both of these on their paper. Allowing better deal negotiation as the buyer. 

Another example, if you are using Lusha, RocketPhone and want to add an engagement tool for email and Linkedin you should consider Prosp. Prosp pulls and collects data with a Kaspr integration, a Cognism owned tool, and a like for like swap to Lusha

Ongoing Continuous Improvement And Flexibility in Scaling

As your sales development engine evolves, be prepared to adapt your strategy. This could involve adding new tools, revising training programs, or exploring innovative approaches to stay competitive in a rapidly changing business landscape.

In conclusion, strategically investing in your sales development engine is a dynamic process that requires a phased approach. By establishing a strong foundation, prioritising training and skill development, and scaling with the right tools, you can optimise costs while building a high-performing SDR engine that drives sustainable growth for your organisation.

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